
Looking for somewhere to go and grab a cup of Emiliani Coffee or a bag of our beans?

We have the privilege of getting to work with some of the best organizations out there... Organizations who care about the impact of their dollar on the world. For some, the investment in the world of foster care & adoption fits with who they are. For others, the emphasis on establishing an ethical supply chain of coffee... and for some it's a combination of the two! At the end of the day, these are our partners and friends and we'd encourage you to go and get some coffee from them some time!

Note: Coffee rotations rotate and before betting your mortgage on being able to go somewhere and buy a bag of our beans or a cup of our coffee... We might recommend calling ahead! 


  • The Birdhouse

Bakeries & Coffee & Dessert Shops

  • 7 Corners Coffee
  • Segue Coffee
  • Caydence Coffee
  • Dancing Bear Chocolate


  • Minnesota Strong
  • Rose & Loon
  • MinnyRow Market
  • Not Amy's Farm
  • Mercy Forest Co.


  • Wooddale Church


  • Stonehouse Catering